Thursday, April 30, 2009

First Anniversary Celebration

As I look over the blogs, I realize we haven't said much lately about our ministry with Haitian university students. A year ago, the core group of students who attended our weekly Bible study in Villa Olimpico established their own church, with the help of a Haitian pastor from New York. Robinson, a young man who studies at the university, is pastoring the church. In the course of a year, this church has grown to almost 200--in spite of having to change locations! They now rent space in a local school, ideally located close to the university. This month they celebrated their first anniversary as a church.

Bob is occasionally invited to preach--he just did a study on eternal security for two Sunday evenings--but his major role is mentoring and encouraging the leadership. Pray for Robinson and for Vilardeau.

When we first started ministering to the Haitian university students, they adopted us as their parents away from home, and we spent a lot of time together as they were adjusting to life in the Dominican Republic. Now, we're like parents with grown children who have established a life for themselves. We're here, and we connect at crucial moments, but they don't need us quite as much. It's a joy to see what God has accomplished in and through them!

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