Friday, December 24, 2010

El Burro Y El Pavo

Recently the guard here at our apartment told me this enchanting Dominican story that just about everyone here knows: El Burro Y El Pavo (The Donkey and The Turkey).

The donkey labored long hours carrying firewood, vegetables, and meat to and around the farm. Part of the food was for the turkey, who instead of expressing his gratitude, mocked the donkey with cries of "Work, work, work!" In fact, the donkey often labored with tears while his beneficiary laughed at them.

As the hot summer months rolled around (and the heat can be brutal here), the donkey labored day and night, soaked in sweat, almost losing his sanity while the turkey ate under the comfort of his shade.

Then December rolled around. And while the donkey still labored, this time his load was lighter because he didn't bring any meat.

The turkey noticed this and said, "Hey, Burro, where's the meat? I don't see any meat! Where's the meat? Where's the meat?"

The donkey replied, "YOUR DECEMBER HAS ARRIVED!!" (Dominicans eat turkey meat for Christmas.) The turkey began to scream, crying while the donkey laughed, enjoyed Christmas, and lived to see another year.

Central recently had its Christmas ministry dinner last week (we ate chicken instead). During our testimony time, I shared the above story. I wasn't sure if I should, but I did, and everyone laughed, not knowing that I knew the story. In fact, the pastor's wife gave me a high-five after I finished speaking. I applied the story to us, stating that in serving the LORD, sometimes we have to work very hard, sweating in the heat while others mock us. But unlike the turkey, we can celebrate with joy the eternal life that we have in Christ.

I then shared the story with a couple of guys at the basketball court last Monday. A brother from Central was there and restated my points, sharing the gospel of Christ with the guys. To hear William speak up, share, and apply the story to the gospel filled my heart with joy.

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