Friday, October 17, 2014

May 2013 Newsletter: The Heart of the Matter

As more than 200 people gathered, the day of the family picnic for Central Bible Church turned out hot and sultry. I envied Bob as he stood in the plastic pool with cool water up to his waist. He and two Dominican leaders baptized 11 new believers. Chepo proudly baptized his own teenage son. A husband and wife were baptized together. We all rejoiced to hear the testimonies of those to whom God had given a new heart. While the kids took over the pool, we spent the rest of the day visiting. Later that week we spent the day with our Haitian family—a group of university students from the Los Girasoles church. Each Saturday morning we study the Bible together, but this day they wanted to discuss a heart issue—sexual purity. The lively discussion lasted for several hours as we feasted on rice and beans. Tonight we’ll soon be heading out the door for Bob to teach in the Leadership Training Center. Since returning to Santiago in February, we’ve had a core group of 46 students from five different churches. The current course—preparing a Biblical message—challenges the students to focus on the central idea or heart of the Bible passage and communicate that truth in a way that touches the hearts of their audience. The educational system here has often focused on memorization rather than analysis; so, we’ve had lots of requests for extra help as the students learn to outline passages. As a result, we’ve slowed the course down, and they are getting it! Last week, Adam stood, clearing his throat and nervously stuffing his hands in his pockets, to give his first-ever presentation in public. Each of the students has to teach a Bible passage to complete the course. Some of the ladies will be giving their first presentations during the upcoming women’s retreat. It’s a joy to watch these men and women develop their abilities. And so our ministry goes back and forth between Spanish and Haitian Creole, sometimes causing our heads to spin and tongues to trip. This last Saturday, I (Judy) taught a Bible study in Creole in the morning, then led a women’s meeting in Spanish in the afternoon. On Sunday, Bob preached in Spanish in the morning, and then in Creole in the evening. He used five languages as he explained Romans 6:6—Creole, French, Spanish, English, and Greek! While racking up the miles driving around Santiago to these various activities, our 2000 Nissan Sentra began having heart trouble. A godly and gifted mechanic told us that a transplant was the only option. He changed the motor, motor mounts, radiator, and front springs—all for only $800! (Yes, labor is cheaper here, but we pay over $6/gallon for gasoline.) Now our car is running well once again. We decided not to buy a newer car at this time since the apartment mortgage issue is still not settled. It appears that God is more interested in working in our hearts—teaching us to be patient and trust in Him—than in resolving the problem quickly. Our lawyers are still looking for legal ways to pressure the builder to pay the last $11,500. We are very grateful that the amount is no more than that—a heart-felt thank you to those who have prayed! Please continue to pray for us to be bold in sharing the good news of Christ with others here in Santiago. There’s a great emptiness here in many people’s hearts. Recently, three young Dominicans committed suicide.

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